France Etuves
Séchage de granulés pharmaceutiques à 50°C
Technical Data
- Field of Activity Pharmacie
- Chamber Volume 0 litres
- Max temperature 65 °C
Drying of pharmaceutical granules at 50°C during 6 to 7 days.
- Technical Data:
- Maximum Temperature: 65°C
- Inner Casing Size of one oven : 1640 x 2085 x 1790 mm
- Wattage of one oven : 5 500 Watts
- A group of 6 ovens with shared walls
- Construction with modular panels
- Plate in stainless steel
- Shared insufflation???s box
- Shared extraction???s box
- Each oven has its own fan and extraction motors
- Filtered air inlets
- Differential pressure switch for dirtying rate of filters
- Air extractor for helping air change